Sectional Matrix.

The aim of this project was to create a unique alternative to a full-scale train prototype that could not be shipped to Berlin in time. Our '“Sectional Matrix” concept blended physical and virtual elements, offering an abstract yet detailed representation of the train cabin. It was exhibited at InnoTrans, the world’s leading rail transport trade fair.

The design featured “sliced” acrylic panels etched with the train’s technical details, akin to an MRI scan, allowing attendees to explore the train’s complex systems in a visually engaging way. The installation invited visitors to move between these physical slices and a virtual reality environment that simulated the conductor’s cabin, offering a seamless transition between the physical and digital realms.

This innovative approach aimed to effectively convey the technical intricacies of the train while creating a memorable and engaging experience that resonated beyond the trade fair.

"We relished the challenge of designing and building a high-quality exhibition piece and seamlessly integrating it with a VR experience; it was gratifying to see how well it was received by both the customer and visitors at the fair."

Daniel Büning | founder of nFrontier


In collaboration with Artificial Rome

The exhibit offers an in-depth exploration of locomotive engineering through a unique AR experience. Technical components of the train are rendered as acrylic panels, each etched with detailed cross-sections that reveal the inner workings of the machinery. These slices, while abstract individually, combine to illustrate the train's complexity when viewed as a whole. The display is complemented by a finely crafted platform and railing made from perforated metal sheets, ensuring an unobtrusive presentation. Inside the conductor's cabin, a VR experience allows visitors to further investigate the train’s materiality and operational details, enhancing the understanding of the train's sophisticated design.

Making Of.

Our team actively developed the ‘Sectional Matrix’ concept for InnoTrans, blending physical and virtual elements to create an innovative cabin demonstrator.

We refined the acrylic panel designs and integrated augmented reality elements to ensure a seamless and engaging experience. This project progressed through close collaboration with our client, focusing on delivering a compelling representation of the train's intricate systems.


Concept & Pitch:
Beatriz Lobao, Denitsa Koleva, Ivo Pek, Tobias Winnen

Lea Randebrock, Tobias Winnen

Yomi Ajani

Tobias Winnen, Lea Randebrock, Yi Dong

In Collaboration With:
Artificial Rome (AR)


Inflatable Seat


Beyond Teaser